Tag Archives: art

OpenCanvas Interlude

“But Lisa, where are the rest of your Japan entries?”

Yeah yeah, I’ll get to those. Tomorrow I’ll have another one, I promise!

In the meantime, I’ve been trying to get to be able to host an OC session forEVER, and I FINALLY got it to work. So here’s some stuff from me and Will…



I’m coming to town on Tuesday to see the senior art show. Is convenient because I have to drive to Lexington earlier that day to pick up a thingy, so i’ll roll into Danville around the 1-ish or something. The show doesn’t start till 4.



You do not understand the craving, the yearning, it’s terrible. The Guad holds power over you long after you graduate. I MUST HAVE A GRILLED CHICKEN QUESADILLA!!!

Still, I have that whole “don’t want to eat there all by my lonesome self” thing, and I need to catch up with a lot of you kids anyway.

Anyone? Anyone? Pleeeeeeease?????

Ego-strokes round 2

Referring to this entry, here’s round 2.

D Flo causes infectious laughter. I remember when I was up north, everyone in the house always knew when I was on the phone with D Flo, because it wasn’t long after “hello” that we’d both be bellowing out laughs about some ridiculous thing or another. I remember D Flo was one of my favorite people to show comics to. I’d finish a Halo comic, run up and give it to him, and fidget there, watching his eyes, waiting for him to reach the punchline, and be rewarded by one of my favorite laughs. Spending time with D Flo feels natural, as if he’s always been there. The Blue Bike Gang, Walmart runs, or even just sitting and watching him play Age of Mythology over his shoulder, keeping an extra eye on the invasive red dots on the radar. D Flo is one of those rare people that I share a brainwave frequency with. It makes playing co-op games so natural: Halo, Ghost Recon, Desert Conflict (ah, Kuwait never had to worry with us around!), and of course, Taboo (“Mogwai! Mogwai!”). D Flo is my partner in crime, stage management or otherwise, and whenever I am with him, I feel light and playful and full of energy, as if joining forces to save the world is no hard feat.

In other news, Ken and I had OpenCanvas fun this afternoon.
Scott Fargus of Dragons
I have no idea

Fun and games

I suppose I should introduce you all to my newest addiction, that being the LJ community RE: Image. It’s great fun times, and if anything is good practice for me drawing with a Wacom.

Bringing you such favorites as…


Paint Parties!

Inside Jokes with other members with context outside of the community!

Discussion of irrational fears!


and, of course….Dance Parties

So yes, go and play.


Zoo Drawings

I went to the zoo today to do some life drawings of the animals. Why haven’t I been doing this sooner??? It was great fun, and I got some really good quick sketches. If you wanna take a look, here they are…


Here are a couple of my better ones…


Fruit bats..

Ah, Kentucky

Sunday it was 60 degrees and sunny, yesterday a rainstorm, today it snows. It’s good to be home.

In other news, on Sunday, acquaintances Panda and Terzy came over to donate their faces to my cause. Meaning I’m building masks, I needed plaster positives of a boy face and girl face, and they were willing to be buried alive and breath through nose straws.

Embarrassing Photos!

I’ve already started making a mask off one.