Pittsburgh updates

It has been a fantastic week!

On Monday I drove up to Pittsburgh (accompanied by Scott, who kept me from losing my mind on the 7 hour drive)to go apartment scouting with my future roommates. It was quite an adventure. The first 3 places we saw were absolute dumps, and the landlord was crazy, so at first we were all rather worried. However, each place we saw afterwards got better and better, leading up to the last place we saw on the last day, which ended up being the best one (and the one we pounced on right away, because there were a lot of people looking at it).

So, I have a home in Pittsburgh now! Hooray! I will probably move up there sometime in mid-late July, no set dates yet. It only makes me more and more excited about starting at the ETC. Squeak!

The other wonderful thing that happened while I was up there: I found out I won one of the scholarships I applied for! Huzzah! A mere dent in a large tuition fee, but money is money and I feel special for having won.


Stir Fry Adventure

Take heart, internet! I believe I have moved one step closer to perfection with my stir fry recipe, and will share it! The perfecting element came when Kyle told me about using green tea water to make rice. Brilliant!

Keep in mind that this stir fry, unlike so many stir fries, is delicious. It is one of only 3 ways I will willingly and ravenously devour vegetables (the other two being ratatouille and that yummy tomato avocado salad). Please make this stir fry and share it with the world. Now for the recipe…

Instructions ahead…


Today at the farmer’s market the Honey Man was there! I AM SO HAPPY! Of course, many people at the farmer’s market sell honey, but this is the guy I normally buy from. See, lots of the local honey here is clover honey, the really dark, strong kind. But this guy also sells a really light honey that is super mild and delicious. I’m not sure what flowers the bees make it from, but I have yet to find another like it.

I had meant to buy one of his giant 5lb containers of honey to last me through the winter, but the last few markets in November he was not there. I was so sad. I tried finding lighter honeys at various stores, but none could compare. As the opening of the farmer’s market for the spring approached, I had secret fears that Honey Man’s bees had fled the planet on their bee ship, like so many bees have been doing as of late (they know something we don’t, I am convinced).

But today I am rewarded for my patience! Joyous day! Return of Honey Man! I got home and had the most delightful spoonful of splendor I have had since winter set in. Mmmmmmmmmmm.