The week has started, it will kill me, but more SETC stories first.

Part 2..

While the short play festival was a substantial chunk of convention experience, the main activity of the week was Job Contact.

Resumes in hand, we would line up in the morning with tons of other work-hungry drama folk. It was like standing in line for a roller coaster…..only without the roller coaster >_< Anyway, they let us in a group at a time, into a huuuge room packed with tables and theater companies advertising what they needed. Several large bulletin boards with listing by jobs and job types (summer work, internships, etc.) were helpful in finding which companies to hunt down. After writing down information on what companies were hiring, what jobs they were hiring for, and where they were located, the hunt began. It was a flurry of stopping by tables, searching out hotel rooms, dropping off resumes, and signing up for interviews. Jeff and Matthew were helpful with putting in good words and advising us on theater companies to look at. Squirt was nice and introduced me to the Berkshire people, since she worked their last year. Running from interview to interview, I didn’t get to go to many con workshops, but that’s okay.

My favorite two interviews were with the Virginia Shakespeare Festival, for a position as an electrician, and with the Heritage Repertory Theater (also in Virginia) for a position as props assistant. All my interviews went really well, though, I hope I hear back from them soon! The only downfall is that if I get a job for the summer, I will not be able to take the hot sculpting glass class at Corning that I wanted to take, because it falls in late July and the seasons won’t be over by then. Oh well, there is an introductory Venetian technique class that I could take in mid August, I’ll get a glass class in either way ^_^

While Job Contact was in full swing, the SETC auditions were also going on. In order to be in auditions at SETC, you had to pass some regional audition earlier in the fall. Our one and only D Flo passed, and got to audition at SETC. He was kind of grumbly and indifferent at first, as lots of SETC auditioners are looking for singers and dancers for musicals, but Flora got 5 callbacks! We were so proud of him! One of the callbacks was to the Blue Man Group, which was totally awesome, we all flutered about him and showered him in congratulatory affection. He’s going to be in touch with them and see them next year. Awesome!!

All in all, I think everyone who went had a good experience with interviews. I was really surprised at what a reputation Centre has for good theater people, as I was greeted at many interviews with “Ah! You go to Centre! Excellent.”

The only thing to do now is sit patiently and wait to hear from the companies. Many of them said they would be in contact this week, as they like to get their crews together early. Wee! Can’t wait!

Stay tuned for more…