Props, puppets, and artsy things

Second day of winter term completed: so far so good. The prop load for this play is turning out to be more and more manageable. There is a lot of stuff to buy, but most of it consists of small, cheap, easily obtainable things. There are a few larger things to buy, but I still think we can work them into the props budget, and a few hard things to get (like an endoscope and IV pumps), but Matthew seems to be taking care of all the medical schtuff we have to obtain.

My goal for tomorrow is to get all the pieces for the practice puppet, so I can have it made by the end of the week. That way Ian will have plenty of time to mess with it, and hopefully will make an easy transition to the real puppet when it is complete.

As for life in general, I guess I’m doing okay. I’ve been feeling very tired lately, and very unrested. I’ve been fighting hard not to take naps after class/work, but it’s difficult, and I’ve slept away the evenings for the last two days. It hasn’t been a total loss, though, I’ve been getting bits of my current drawing worked on in the evenings. Here are some process shots… (it’s too big to fit under the scanner, so I used my digital camera, which is why some of the shots are all crooked and stuff).

I’m proud of how it’s turning out, though there is much layering of colored pencil to go. I’m trying very hard to take my time and be neat about things, as patience has always been an artsy problem of mine.

I really hope this term will be a productive one (both in class and out), and I think that if I try and overcome my current exhaustion, I can make good use of my free evenings.

6 thoughts on “Props, puppets, and artsy things”

  1. It’s a pretty pic and also a way to see/learn a little how many phases it takes to make a good pic as well as combinations of colouring-methods which I personally never considered mostly because all we were supposed to make in artclass back in school had to be all aquarell or all acryl, or all pencil, so real motivation for combining the techniques wasn’t really given in school.


    1. Thanks! I’ve seen a lot of people do the watercolor/colored pencil combo, so I’ve been trying it out. It’s nice, because the watercolor makes a nice base for the colored pencils, as it shows up underneath.

  2. Hi Wertle! 🙂

    LOVE the work-in-progress! I love to see all the stages, and it looks to be really beaitiful. I love the warm, sunny feel of it! 🙂

    Glad to hear things are going well, and I know how you feel about the unrested-yet-sleepy feeling; I’ve been like that lately too.

    Anyway, I hope things keep getting better for you, and as always, glad to hear from ya! 🙂

    1. Yay Synnabar! Always good to hear from you ^_^ Maybe the unrested sleepiness is just because it’s winter, you know, lack of light…or something (sounds like a good thing to blame it on to me, hehe)

  3. Wheee! I just love in-the-process and “making of” submissions. 😀
    Guess i don’t need to say that i and many of my friends who saw the original you sent me just love the combination of watercolour and pencils. Of course that also goes for this piccie here. :3 You should show that on Devart as well because i think that many others would be interested to see this. ^_^
    And today on “Very interesting facts you don’t know about Wertle”: Dragons shift colours when touched by sunlight” XD

    1. Thanks! I’ll definately put a copy of the finished version up on DevArt, but if it looks like it’ll take me forever, I might post this one as well.

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