This and That

So the usual crew braved the elements Monday night, traveling through frightening thunderstorms to go to the usual American Chopper night hangout. We were all excited about the newest episode of American Chopper (Mikey was gonna build a bike! What’s not to love). However, we found out that when they say “On next week’s episode…” at the end of the show, they really mean “the next time we show a new episode…” Alas, reruns. To add insult to injury, next Monday they’re having a Monster House marathon. What’s up with that??? Nobody watches Monster House!! Yeesh.

Dynasty Warriors 4 is quite possibly the most fun I’ve ever had playing a video game (it’s nearing Halo as my favorite multiplayer game! Eeek!). I highly recommend it.

Yesterday, Matt (my boss) and I had to drive to Connecticut to return some prop furniture we’d borrowed from another theater. It was a nice little trip. Being in New England for the summer has made me realize a few things about my own home region that I would have never noticed before. Granted, the existence of full service gas stations was a new thing for me when I got up here, but we’ve found a few other things. To go on this trip, we had to take the shop truck, which is a clunky old thing with no AC and only a tape deck. We thought it would be amusing to get some tapes to play on the way. Now, I am from Kentucky, and Matt is from Georgia, and so we were always used to the fact that when you go into a gas station, there’s always a rack of really obscure music tapes up near the counter, with such favorites as “Ultra 70’s Funk,” “Cowboy Songs,” and “The Best of the 80’s” type music. Apparently, though, this commodity (or oddity) does not exist in New England, as we were unable to find any gas stations that sold tapes! How sad! Perhaps it is a southern thing? At any rate, we had found a Primus tape in the Prop Shop, so that kept us entertained for the ride.

No more days off for 3 weekends, it’s going to be hard core! I think I’ll survive nicely, though. If I am lucky, I may be able to work in another internet update before the summer runs out! I miss my computer.

Sloooow afternoon

Sittin all alone in the props shop. Well, not entirely alone, Keller (our props carpenter) is working away in the back. We were going to go pick up some donations today, but one of us had to stay behind in case Keller needed any help, guess who drew the short straw. Oh well.

Since Tommy is opening tonight, we’re kind of slow, so there’s not much to do right now. Things will pick up soon enough, though. We’ll have to crank out a lot for Assassins and Peter Pan, but for right now, we’re not busy (hence the journal update on the agonizingly slow 14.4 K modem x_x).

I made the luckiest phone call ever the other day. I was giving Brendan a call to say “hello,” and I just happened to catch him out shopping with Ken, Evan, and Dave Clark (plus, they were at Great Escape, where Adam Watson works). I got to talk to all of them, it was great! Super bonus phone call. I miss all of them, and I can’t wait to see them when I get home. At least I’ll get to see Dave, who is coming up to see Assassins.

This Sunday we have our last day off until all shows are open. After that, we’ll have 3 changeover weekends in a row, then everyone starts leaving. I’ll be here till the 31st, though, so after Peter Pan opens, I’ll have 2 weeks where NOTHING happens. Keller and I will probably spend a few days cleaning the props shop (we’ll be the only props crew left), then it’s like 2 weeks of pseudo-vacation. Pseudo in that many of the friends I’ve made here will be gone, and that I don’t have a car, so sight-seeing may be tricky. Perhaps something can be arranged, though. My parents will be coming up, and my dad seemed interested in going to Six Flags. I’d definitely be up for that again.

So, kinda slow at the moment, but later should be fun. Carleton bought Dynasty Warriors 4, which he says to be an awesome game, so we will have a little PS2 fest sometime.


Reason why Carleton is awesome #1: He let me use his computer to update my website.

About that Mardi Gras party, it was awesome! I was so excited to see how everyone would decorate those cheap, cheap, CHEAP masks we gave them 2 days before the party. I was quite impressed with everyone’s creativity. Go and see! Isn’t everybody pretty?

Reason why Carleton is awesome #2: He has all Invader Zim episodes on his computer and has me watch them regularly.

This is important, because I totally missed out on the Invader Zim phenomenon. It ran when I was at school, and thus not watching tv, and then ended by the time I was home for the summer. Apparently, having not seen more than 2 episodes was not acceptable, so I’m getting to watch them all. The results are rather predictable–I think it’s hilarious, and I love Gir. That is all.


Carleton is awesome because he lets me use his computer to check my email! Hooray!! I’m hovered in the ‘lectrician’s office while the Stillborn Lover preview goes on above us. It has been a mostly good tech week (in spite of pesky actor notes). All went well, except for some general confusion about me having to screw a table to the floor. I will demonstrate. *ahem*

Matt (props boss): Go screw that table to the floor
Me: Okay.

*walks over to aforementioned table with screw gun to notice the ‘lectricians moving it for space for a ladder*

Me: Oh! The ‘lectricians must need to be here to focus and such.

*walks away*

Scenic Designer: Hey, go screw that table to the floor
Me: Um…I think the ‘lectricians need that space.
Scenic Designer to Lighting Designer: Do you guys need this space?
Lighting Designer: Um, no…
Scenic Designer: Okay, go screw it down then

*walks over to move table back, angry ‘lectricians say “No”, walks back to prop shop*

Matt: Go screw that table into the floor.
Me: Um, the ‘lectricians need the space.
Matt: Go wait for them to finish.

*walks back to main stage*

Me to ‘lectricians: Um, when can I screw down this table?

*note, he didn’t really say that, it was implied, I think.

*runs back to props shop in terror*

So, after much confusion, they decided that they really didn’t want that table screwed down anyway. Yeesh! Confusion is okay, though, I suppose. All is well otherwise. We are having a Mardi Gras theme party after the show opening tomorrow, and I’m all excited because I get to make a mask. There really are a shortage of costumey, mask-ish holidays in the world. Anyway, I don’t want to hog the puter too much, so I am off!


Whew! We’re almost finished with our first big Main Stage strike. We have all the props cleared out, and we’re waiting for the big truck of scenery to get back to see if the carps need help unloading it. Two tech weekends in a row, no days off for awhile.

The good news is, I got to go see that William Morris exhibit at the Berkshire Museum. It was AWESOME. I almost peed myself. There was other contemporary glass there too, so I was all running around with Adam (Master ‘lectrician) and Carleton (Assistant Master ‘lectrician) and rambling my head off. It was great.

Truck is back, gotta go unload, see ya!